in small animal medicine & surgery
We are a full service clinic offering you complete health care for your cat or dog. We are there to guide you through the fun, yet sometimes challenging, puppy and kitten stages, as well as the emotional senior years. We feel honoured to have your trust.
We also perform a wide variety of surgical procedures, ranging from spays and neuters to lump removals. With most surgical procedures, your pet is able to go home the same day. This is possible because we use Isoflurane as our gaseous anesthetic. Isoflurane has been widely used in human hospitals for many years and has proven to have a high level of safety.

Diagnostic Testing
Our in-house chemistry and CBC analyzers allow for immediate results to various blood tests, leading to early diagnosis and treatment for your pet.
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Online Shopping
We are thrilled to offer online shopping. Check out our newly launched online store with Express Pick Up or Home Delivery Available. Place your order online today!
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Dental care in our pets is becoming increasingly important as poor dental health is known to lead to a variety of major diseases including heart, liver and kidney disease.
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Nutritional Counselling
Nutrition is a critical part of your pet’s wellbeing, and we have knowledgeable and experienced staff to help you find the right diet for your pet.
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Spay & Neuter
Surgical steriliza1on, or spaying and neutering, is an important decision to make for your pet. Our staff at Mission Creek Animal Hospital are here to guide you through the process.
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We also perform a wide variety of surgical procedures. With most surgical procedures, your pet is able to go home the same day. This is possible because we use Isoflurane as our gaseous anesthetic.

Ophthalmology area includes a tonovet for checking eye pressures. We are very excited to now offer minor opthalmologic procedures as well as having a local board certified ophthalmologist to refer cases to.

Parasite Treatment
Fleas, ticks, ringworm, parasites, etc can make your pet very uncomfortable. Our veterinarians can provide preventative as well as curative treatment plans that are customized for your pet.

Nutrition, behaviour, heart-worm and parasite control are just some of the issues that our staff can provide you with a multitude of information on.

In-House Pharmacy
We have our own in-house pharmacy, thus providing your pet with the appropriate medication as soon as the doctor prescribes it.

Anesthetic Monitoring
ECG is routinely used for monitoring your pet’s heart function while they are under general anesthetic. We also measure pulse oximetery, external blood pressure, temperature & respiratory rate.

If your pet has a complex problem, we do not hesitate to consult with and refer you a trained specialist to take advantage of their high level of training to get your pet the care they need.

Puppies & Kittens
We are there to guide you through the fun, yet sometimes challenging, puppy and kitten stages. We also perform spays and neuters and customized vaccination plans.

There are serious illnesses that have dangerous consequences for your pet. We offer customized vaccinations plans to suit your pet's needs based on age and lifestyle.

Wellness Exams
Our comprehensive wellness exams cover nose to tail of your dog or cat. With our veterinarians' extensive training and experience you can be confident in the recommendations they provide.

Ultrasound delivers a moving image of your pet’s internal organs, which helps diagnose any abnormalities that are hard to see on radiographs.

Health Certification
If you will be travelling with your pet, to enter foreign countries you may need an Canadian International Health Certificate. We can help!